+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Episiotomy and Suturing Trainer

Episiotomy and Suturing Trainer

Close to real structure and separate layers of skin and muscles for very realistic practice of suturing skills after an episiotomy, as well as vaginal and labia tears.

Each cut can be sewn several times. Students will gain experience using tools, as well as suturing and tying knots.

To get as close as possible to the reality of processing and suturing these postpartum injuries, palpation and suturing of the following muscle structures in the perineum are possible:

  • sphincter ani externus (outer anal sphincter muscle)
  • transversus perinei superficialis (superficial transverse perineal muscle)
  • bulbospongiosus (bulbospongiosus muscle)


  • Muscle and skin layers can be sutured separately
  • The stand stands firmly on the surface and does not slide
  • The insert can be removed and worked with on the table surface
  • Realistic sensations allow you to improve the skills of using tools, size of seam tension and different methods of tying knots

The simulator is intended for practical treatment and demonstration of treatment methods for the following postpartum injuries:

  • Episiotomy, for example: median episiotomy, mediolateral episiotomy, lateral episiotomy
  • Vaginal tears
  • Labial tears
