+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Puerperal Uterus Palpation Training Model

Puerperal Uterus Palpation Training Model

This is a model that can be used to examine postpartum uterine involution, and can be worn by a person or a mannequin. The model represents the state of uterine involution up to 5 days postpartum. The model can be worn by a person to practice postpartum care, including communication training.


  • The abdominal wall is created from a special material to closely resemble the texture of a human body. It is well suited for demonstrating palpation, because the model allows the fundus to be examined by palpation.
  • By changing the uterus models (four types), it can be used to check the status of uterine involution during the postpartum period.
  • By having a person wear the model, postpartum care can be demonstrated while communicating with them.
  • The model can be used to demonstrate realistically how to change sanitary shorts and pads.


  1. Wearable band          
  2. Outer skin      
  3. Abdominal wall          
  4. Uterine involution (normal, day 1)    
  5. Uterine involution (normal, day 3)    
  6. Uterine involution (normal, day 5)    
  7. Subinvolution 
  8. Pubis connector         
  9. Extension pad 

Storage bag

