Puerperal Uterus Palpation Training Model
This is a model that can be used to examine postpartum uterine involution, and can be worn by a person or a mannequin. The model represents the state of uterine involution up to 5 days postpartum. The model can be worn by a person to practice postpartum care, including communication training.
- The abdominal wall is created from a special material to closely resemble the texture of a human body. It is well suited for demonstrating palpation, because the model allows the fundus to be examined by palpation.
- By changing the uterus models (four types), it can be used to check the status of uterine involution during the postpartum period.
- By having a person wear the model, postpartum care can be demonstrated while communicating with them.
- The model can be used to demonstrate realistically how to change sanitary shorts and pads.
- Wearable band
- Outer skin
- Abdominal wall
- Uterine involution (normal, day 1)
- Uterine involution (normal, day 3)
- Uterine involution (normal, day 5)
- Subinvolution
- Pubis connector
- Extension pad
Storage bag