+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Abdominal Palpation Model Set

Abdominal Palpation Model Set

A unique, 3-D teaching tool, this model is perfect for performing Leopold’s manoeuvres and for demonstrating palpation of the abdomen to determine foetal lie, presentation, and position. The Abdominal Palpation Model includes a foetus with movable arms and legs, firm buttocks, and a head with palpable anterior and posterior fontanelles. The foetal body flexes to allow demonstration of all presentations and positions. The foetus and included vinyl pelvis rest within the abdominal portion of the model. The abdomen, a padded cloth attached by Velcro to the base, makes it easy to visualise and change foetal positions. Comes with a gel pad that provides added cushion over the foetus for a more realistic feel, the movable gel packs to simulate amniotic fluid, and a carrying bag.


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