
What is Microflocculation? 1. A reduction in coagulant demand for the same final (settled water) turbidity, or 2. A reduction in final turbidity at the same coagulant demand. The MIOX Advantage Use of mixed oxidant solution in pretreatment can achieve both lower turbidity levels and reductions of up to 40 percent in alum and polymer required. Customers report faster floc formation and improved settling due to the quality of the formed floc. Typically, disinfection by-product (DBP) formation is also reduced with the corresponding reduction in organics. Customers report:
The microflocculation effect with mixed oxidant solution is relatively insensitive in magnitude to the free available chlorine (FAC) dose in pretreatment over a broad dose range. However, since any chlorine residual remaining will form disinfection by-products, logic dictates dosing the mixed-oxidant solution to cause the microflocculation effect, while leaving nil chlorine residual to minimize DBP formation. Note that the microflocculation effect will not occur in all waters. The best way to test the possibility of occurrence at your site is to perform a jar test. |