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  • Trainer for intubation in adults with complicated airways with bronchi

Trainer for intubation in adults with complicated airways with bronchi

Adult intubation head trainer provides a solution for varying degrees of difficulty when practicing airway management. This versatile model ranges from challenging to very difficult to intubate, facilitating a variety of training scenarios for advanced users.


Model Features

Difficult Airway

  • The internal airway has an enlarged tongue, swollen posterior cartilages and an elongated epiglottis to provide a challenging airway management user experience.


  • Adjustable from normal to complete airway obstruction.
  • Sudden closure of the vocal cords can be simulated.
  • Upon successful user action, laryngospasm can be mechanically reversed to provide positive feedback

Displaced larynx

  • Ability to displace the larynx into a more anterior position to make visualisation of the vocal cords more challenging.
  • Adjustable to provide various levels of difficulty.

Tongue Edema

  • The tongue can be swollen to simulate various degrees of tongue angioedema.

Receding / protruding Mandible

  • Various degrees of malocclusion, one mandibular variant and two maxillary variants.
  • Overbite and underbite features simulated


  • Ability to grossly restrict mouth opening to make insertion of airway devices more challenging

Neck lock / Head rotation restriction

  • Ability to simulate cervical arthropathy through restricting the range of motion of cervical spine

Simulate needle and surgical cricothyroidotomy and percutaneous tracheostomy.

  • Easy identification of sternal notch, tracheal rings & cricoid and laryngeal cartilages
  • Interchangeable larynx allows quick and easy repeated use
  • Wraparound replaceable neck skin rotates for 10-15 incisions

Bronchoscopy Techniques

  • Diagnostic bronchoscopy
  • Lung suctioning techniques
  • Lung isolation techniques using left & right endobronchial tubes & bronchial blockers


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