+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Ultrasound Guided Pericardiocentesis Trainer

Ultrasound Guided Pericardiocentesis Trainer

Ultrasound-Guided Pericardiocentesis Trainer is a highly realistic simulator that allows for the training of the pericardiocentesis procedure under ultrasound. Learners can practice needle and catheter insertion into the pericardial space and drain the pericardial fluid. This simulator is positioned in a 15 ° reverse Trendelenburg and provides all clinically relevant palpable and ultrasound anatomy. In addition, the trainer offers options for two differently sized pericardial effusion inserts to allow for various training scenarios.


  • Practice blind and ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis
  • Master the parasternal, apical, and subxiphoid approaches.
  • Visualization of pericardial fluid under ultrasound
  • Palpation and identification of xiphoid process and intercoastal spaces 4~6
  • Needle insertion in pericardial space
  • Able to use all standard equipment to drain the pericardial fluid (catheter, dilator, etc.)


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