+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Ultrasound Pediatric Abdomen Phantom

Ultrasound Pediatric Abdomen Phantom

This world-first pediatric ultrasound torso phantom provides opportunities of hands-on training in
ultrasound examination of young patients.

The phantom of a 2-year-old, thoracoabdominal organs, bone structure, free-fluid to learn FAST procedures
and pathologies that are commonly seen in pediatrics.

With this phantom, trainees can acquire skills in the basics of pediatric abdominal ultrasound as well as
FAST/Acute sonography.

Training Skills

- FAST Procedures:
Internal hemorrhage at perihepatic, perisplenic, pelvis, and pericardium area
- Sonography for acute pediatric patient:
Bowel intussusception, appendicitis and biliary dilatation


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