+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Film ONIKO RP-U. Universal medical film for radiography

Film ONIKO RP-U. Universal medical film for radiography

RP-U film is intended to receive X-ray pictures using blue and green emitting intensifying screens with the identical exposure in both case.Параметры пленки

RP-U film is made of AGFA materials, which ensure the high quality both the film and the received picture.

Multitude of applications

High resolution of X-ray film RP-U allows to determine disease pathology legibly and to exclude repeated checkup.
High selectivity and maximal quantity of shade of gray (256 shades) contribute to it. High latitude fixes steady films repeatability and processing mode stability.

The film is well processed both mechanical and manual.

Manual processing

Developer, reducer, fixerTemperature, t°CTime , min.
DevelopmentIntermediate rinseFixingFinal rinse
AGFA: G150,G354
(liquid concentrate)
18 - 25 2 - 4 0,5 - 1,0 4 - 8 20 - 30
ONIKO reagent
(liquid concentrate)
18 - 25 2 - 4 0,5 - 1,0 4 - 8 20 - 30
Drying temperature:
Average chemicals consumption (for sq.met):
Tap water, acid stop-solution
not mote than 50°C
developer - 0.5 l; fixer - 0.7 l

Mechanical processing

A standard 90-second processing cycle at temperature 32-35°C.
Average chemicals consumption (for sq.met.): developer (G 139, G 153) - 0,4 l.; fixer (G 334, G 354) - 0,6 l..


Unopened, unexposed film should be stored at temperature 10 - 23°C in dry location, relative humidity is preferably between 30 and 50 %.
In addition, the film should be protected from sources of ionizing radiation

Sizes and packaging

Film sizes: 13х18, 18x24, 20х40, 24х30, 30х40, 35х35, 35х43cm.
Available in all customary sizes of 1, 2, 25, 50 and 100 sheet packing




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