+44 (0) 800 123 4567 No.1 Abbey Road London, W1 ECH, UK
  • Developer G 150. G150 is a single-part, hardener-free developer.
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Developer G 150. G150 is a single-part, hardener-free developer.

G150 is specially designed to offer a flexible and ecological solution for manual processing.
In combination with G354 fixer, G150 developer gives optimal results for processing double-sided blue or green films for conventional radiography, laser films and duplicating films.

Flexible for perfect control
G150 performs well in a broad range of processing cycles and temperatures, ranging from room temperature to 35 °C. The recommended processing is 5 minutes at 18 °C and 2 minutes at 25 °C. Processing at other temperatures is also possible, with processing times adjusted accordingly.

Ecologically improved packaging
G150 developer is supplied in shipping cartons made of 60% recycled cardboard. Cartons contain concentrated developer in either twelve 1 liter bottles, each yielding 6 liters of ready-to-use chemical, or four 5 liter bottles, each yielding 30 liters of ready-to-use chemical.
G150 is packaged in translucent polyethylene (PE) bottles fitted with a PE ECO seal. The screw cap and the stripe at the top of the label are color-coded for identification purposes (red for developer, blue for fixer).
The color components have been reduced as much as possible, however, and the bottles show no aluminum remnants after use. Both features make the bottles easily PE-recyclable.

Easy handling and mixing
G150 bottles are easy to open, thanks to the built-in cutting edges of the cap. Simply open the cap, place it upside down on the mouth of the bottle, apply a little pressure and turn the cap clockwise to break the ECO seal. With G150 developer manual mixing will never result in sludge formation.

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